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Cornwall (5 files)

An August holiday in Cornwall, United Kingdom in 2009. We stayed in Mousehole, a place we all adore. Photographed by myself, Charlotte Wright Photography
IMG 1992 
 Kite flying on Chapel Porth beach, Cornwall. We thought the safest place with my father behind the 'wheel', was to be behind him! Photographed by myself, Charlotte Wright Photography 
 Keywords: kite, beach, sea, waves, sand, cornwall, chapel porth, United Kingdom, photography
IMG 2004 
 Kite flying on Chapel Porth beach, Cornwall. Straight into the sun, with a little help from a Photoshop filter effect! Photographed by myself, Charlotte Wright Photography 
 Keywords: Kite, beach, sea, sand, cornwall, waves, chapel porth, United Kingdom, photography
IMG 2005 
 Kite flying on Chapel Porth beach in Cornwall.The wind finally picked up! Photographed by myself, Charlotte Wright Photography 
 Keywords: kite, beach, sea, sand, waves, cornwall, chapel porth, United Kingdom, photography
IMG 2012 
 Kite flying, with not much wind, on Chapel Porth beach in Cornwall. Just waiting for that gust... Photographed by myself, Charlotte Wright Photography 
 Keywords: Kite, beach, sea, sand, waves, sky, clouds, United Kingdom, chapel porth, cornwall, photography
IMG 2040 
 Kite flying on Chapel Porth beach in Cornwall. I really love this photograph. Photographed by myself, Charlotte Wright Photography 
 Keywords: Kite, beach, sea, sand, waves, cornwall, chapel porth, United Kingdom, photography

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